
Definition of Organic Food

This definition, was taken from the page of Wikipedia in its version in English, but can add concepts on what is the organic food.
The organic products are produced following certain standards of production. For reduce, involves the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, wastewater and that were processed without ionizing radiation methods or the artificial additives.

The production of organic foods this legally regulated. At present, the United States, the European Union, Japan and many other countries, requires producers obtained an organic certification to sell their products in the market food as organic.

Historically, the organic farms were relatively small and generally were managed familiarly - for this reason, why these organic foods were available in small shops or farmer markets. However, since early 90’s the organic foods has growth the market at a annual rate of 20%, exceeding by the industry of conventional foods, in both developed and also developing nations.

Currently the sale of organic products is between the 1- 2% of the total sales of food in the world. Future hopes that the sale of these products, growth at range between 10-50% annually depending on each country.

What is organic means?

According to dictionary of Merriam-Webster, the "organic agriculture" or "organic production" refers to the food (or another type of products) produced using seeds, fertilizers, plants and products of animal origin in which they have not been used chemical fertilizers, stimulator of growth (hormones), and the antibiotics pesticides.

The term of "organic" applies only to those ingredients in the product. The word indicates that the methods of production used minimize the contamination in the air, soil and water. The National Organ Program (NOP) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses standard regulation and controls to assure the consumer that in the marketing chain, from the farmers up to the distributors, follow the procedures that ensure the organic integrity on the product.